From NZEB to ZEB

On May 8, 2024, Directive 2024/1275 on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings was published. The objective of this Directive is to promote the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings within the European Union and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions…

New Perspectives on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Integrating the Updates from the New F-Gas Regulation (REGULATION (EU) 2024/573)

The entry into force of the new Regulation (EU) 2024/573 (F-Gas) marks a pivotal milestone in the HVAC and Refrigeration sectors. Rather than viewing this regulation as a barrier, it is crucial to understand…

KEYTER brings its expertise in refrigeration to the Data Processing Center sector at DCD Connect Madrid

Cooling and air conditioning solutions play a critical role in ensuring the stability, performance, and longevity of critical systems in Data Processing Centers (DPC). Maintaining controlled temperature and humidity levels is crucial for achieving this. Inadequate cooling can lead to overheating, which in turn can cause failures, service interruptions, and damage to components…

Technical Sessions on Indirect Systems

The Technical Sessions on Indirect Systems in air conditioning and refrigeration applications are aimed at users, engineers, designers, installers, maintainers, and other HVAC&R professionals…

Temperatures in the RITE (Regulation Of Thermal Installations In Buildings)

It is logical for a Thermal Installations Regulation to address temperatures, but how many temperatures are there to consider when designing a human comfort air conditioning system? The answer is not…

Update of Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014: What You Need to Know About Changes in F Gases

The modification of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on Fluorinated Gases is now considered Approved Text. Pending final approval in Spain…

Impact Of UNE 16798 (WHO) On The Ventilation Criteria Of The New RITE

The IAQ Cluster for Air Quality and the National Installers Confederation, CNI, organized the second edition of the Technical Seminar for Air Quality…

Condensing Battery Functions in a Refrigeration System

The condensing battery, an essential component in refrigeration systems, performs two crucial functions that contribute to the cooling and climate control process…

Ventilation: Exceeding current standards for improved Air Quality

Ventilation requirements in premises have surpassed current regulations, the materials we use in our homes, the construction solutions…

The Four-Way Valve: A Key Component in Reversible Refrigeration Systems

In refrigeration systems, it is essential to have a mechanism that allows for efficient and flexible regulation of refrigerant flow. This is where the four-way valve comes… 

Absolute and Relative Pressure

Right now, as you are reading this text, your body is subjected to a pressure of one bar, one atmosphere. However, in a completely isolated refrigeration circuit, the atmospheric pressure has no influence… 

Sensible and Latent Heat

We usually assume when heat is added to or subtracted from a substance, its temperature also changes, it warms up or cools down, but this is not always the case. If the substance undergoes…

Mollier Diagram

The Mollier Diagram is a visual tool used in thermodynamics to represent the performance of a fluid throughout its cooling and heating cycle. It was developed by the German engineer…

SPF Concept

The Estimated Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) indicates whether a heat pump equipment makes a net use of renewable energy, exchanging against air, water, land, etc. In this way, part of the energy generated by the HP comes from renewable sources, but not in any amount, the Regulations and Standards indicate the lower limit from which a HP equipment can be considered renewable…

What is Psychrometry?

For a correct integral and sustainable air conditioning of hospitals, we must pay special attention to the physiological and hygienic requirements of these, that is, we must be clear about how the environment has to be inside hospitals in general, and specifically in the different rooms that we find inside these buildings…

Integral and Sustainable Air-conditioning in The Hospital Sector

For a correct integral and sustainable air conditioning of hospitals, we must pay special attention to the physiological and hygienic requirements of these, that is, we must be clear about how the environment has to be inside hospitals in general, and specifically in the different rooms that we find inside these buildings…

Active-Passive Heat Recovery Ventilation

When ventilating spaces with human presence, it is essential to take into account the ventilation standards or needs that each room requires, depending on its characteristics…

Refrigerant Gases

What are refrigerant gases? This is the question that many people who work with them in their daily life may ask themselves. 

Indoor Air Quality in Hotels (IAQ)

When we talk about air conditioning in hotels, we always think about rooms and these environments comfort. But Hotels functionality is not only that, Restaurants, Bars and Entrance Halls are places that can be complex when it comes to air conditioning…

Ventilation and Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs

Hospital environments, not only operating theatres, infectious wards, burns or ICUs, are complex and require special measures to achieve healthy indoor air quality (IAQ), making them safe workplaces and optimal environments for patients and their companions. To achieve these air qualities, the use of Air Handling Units (AHUs), selected and customised to the needs of the different rooms, is required.

Heat Pump Principle

As a starting point to understand how a heat pump works, it is necessary to know the fundamental physical principle of Heat Transmission…





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